We are looking forward to welcoming you and making sure your stay with us is enjoyable and memorable. Our main reception is located at Angelo d’Oro hotel in Vladimira Švalbe 40. As we are located in a no-car zone we offer parking and pick-up and shuttle service. Please call +38552853920 to arrange these services.
Proficio d.d.
Zagreb, Ilica 1A
OIB: 39508009387
Commercial Court in Zagreb:
Court registration number (MBS): 80459501
The company's account is open at: Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., Zagreb, IBAN number: HR3724840081101886024
The share capital of the company amounts to HRK 49,988,629.43 and has been paid in full
The total number of issued shares is 2.692
Gavin Susman, Director